90 organisations, institutions and informal groups, 72 events in 50 locations in Poland. Schools, clubs, after-school clubs, coffee shops, libraries took part in the Refugee Day celebrations, which had place from 18th to 25th of June in Poland.
There were art and diversity workshops for children in Krzywa in Low Beskids, culinary workshops and exhibition of children’s works. In Warsaw intercultural football match and family picnic took place. Along Warsaw streets there was a special tram riding where one could listen to the music, learn languages and hear the refugees stories. In the library in Jawor in Lower Silesia people gathered to talk about prejudices and stereotypes. Smaller and bigger activities were engaging people all over Poland.
Participants were organising movie screenings, reading of literature about migrations and refugees and meetings with migrants and refugees. They were trying to answer the questions where does the fear of refugees and stereotypes about migration crisis come from? They were also talking about migrants and refugees that became famous.
Batory Foundation within Citizens for Democracy Programme supported organisers with promotion and information materials and inspirtations how to join the action.
All the events have been gathered at www.uchodzcymilewidziani.com website. There were also inspirations how to organise your own event placed.