Happy Holidays and prosperous New Year from the whole team of the Citizens for Democracy programme

Seventeen organisations will get the grant to realize activities aimed at preparation for welcome and integration of new groups of refugees (mainly from Middle East countries). There were fifty organisations that submitted their applications. Read more

Applications that were submitted in the calls for proposals for refugee projects are now being evaluated. Competition is fierce, amongst 50 applications that were submitted only 15 will receive grants.
List of organisations and partners that submitted their applications is available at: Projekty uchodźcze/Wyniki konkursu. List of the awarded projects will be announced the latest by the 30th of December 2015 on Citizens for Democracy website. Read more

Diversity Forum – Together against discrimination is already behind us. It took place from 16th to 17th November in Warsaw. Almost 60 people from different organizations took part in the event to meet each other and talk about their expectations, experiences and fears. – We have already made a lot in the antidiscrimination field, but there is still a lot to do – said participants of the Forum.