Below you will find full report and the abstract of the newest research on verbal violence against minority groups. Report was prepraed by the Centre for Research on Prejudice of the University of Warsaw in cooperation with the Stefan Batory Foundation within Citizens for Democracy programme financed by EEA Grants.

On behalf of Stefan Batory Foundation and Children and Youth Foundation, the Operator of the EEA Grants in Poland, we are pleased to invite Programme Operators and Project Promoters to the Closing Event of the Polish NGO Programme “Citizens for Democracy”. The conference will be held on March 21st, 2017 in Copernicus Conference Centre. Read more

In Poland, children do not freeze to death like the Russian bezprizorni. They are not shot at, like in South American favelas. They usually don’t fall as low as the children of Bahnhof Zoo. Occasionally, they are hungry, but they do not starve. Thus, when working with children, you rarely have to struggle for their existence – the purpose is rather to replace their current existence with a better life… Read more