The basic form of operation of the programme was to make grants for projects implemented by non-governmental organisations.
Under 6 calls for proposals 7,000 applications were submitted. A total of 630 grants worth PLN 134.5 million were awarded. 617 projects of a total value of PLN 131 million were completed.
Grants were awarded for the three types of projects:
- Thematic projects designed to support project implementation in five thematic areas: public participation, public scrutiny, combating discrimination (including refugee assistance and integration), counteracting exclusion, and children and youth.
Applicant organisations could allocate a part of the funds to development and capacity building activities. Small organisations could apply for additional grants offered by the Batory Foundation to cover matching contributions. In total, 6,437 applications were submitted, 547 grants were awarded and 536 projects were implemented. Furthermore, 396 organisations used some of the funds for capacity building and development, and 47 organisations received grants to cover matching contributions.
- Systemic projects designed to support the capacity building and quality enhancement of the whole non-governmental sector and its sub-sectors.
Organisations that applied for these grants could use a part of the funds for institutional strengthening. In total, 289 applications were submitted, 9 grants were awarded, 9 projects were completed, and 8 organisations used a part of the funds on capacity building and development.
- Bilateral co-operation projects designed to support activities aimed at establishing working relationships with entities from Donor States and developing joint thematic projects or expanding co-operation between the programme grantees and entities from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.
Request for project proposals to form new bilateral co-operation ties or to expand existing ones were submitted continuously between September 2013 and December 2015. In total, 168 applications were assessed, 74 grants were awarded, and 72 projects were completed.