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Zoom In on Seniors Councils

Civic participation Completed
"On Site" Foundation, Warszawa, Poland
2014-02-04 - 2015-06-30
390 680,00 PLN
350 000,00 PLN
elderly people
Project description
Almost 73% of senior citizens declare that they have no influence on what goes on in their municipalities. One of the existing forms of including elder people localy in decision-making are seniors' councils. It is important that the councils are created based on principles conducive to efficient action and that they guarantee a real representation for senior citizens. The aim of the project was to give the councils a real function of consultation body in important decision-making processes.
As a result of the implementation of the project, a contacts base of Polish seniors' councils was created, good practices and recommendations were gathered. In Elbląg, Lublin and Prudnik, members of seniors' councils led public consultations with municipal authorities and inhabitants concerning public space.
Under the project, a survey of seniors' councils in Poland was conducted. 40 workshops were organised to enhance competencies of 16 councils. In Elbląg, Lublin and Prudnik, the process of engaging senior citizens in consulting specific investments in public space was supported. Experiences from supporting seniors' councils in consultation activities and results of the surveys were presented in two publications. The publications were sent to local governments, non-governmental organisations, seniors' councils and seniors' organisations.
In the project activities participated members of seniors' councils from all over Poland (60 persons from 16 councils), 70 inhabitants of Lublin, Elbląg and Prudnik, and 25 local government officers. The Nationwide Meeting of Seniors' Councils gathered approx. 300 persons (members of seniors' councils, representatives of seniors' groups and organisations, representatives of local government, MPs and experts in participation and social policy).
Partners of the project developed survey methodology and conducted the survey (Shipyard), and conducted public consultations together with seniors' councils (Foundation "Na miejscu").
We use the grant for capacity building

Zoom in on Seniors Councils

“We believe it is important for senior citizens to help shape future services. Senior Citizen Councils can be a platform for senior citizens to make themselves heard,” says Beata Tokarz-Kamińska from the Association of Creative Initiatives “ę”.
