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Silesian Leadership Academy

Children and youth Completed
2014-02-03 - 2015-04-30
97 185,52 PLN
86 085,52 PLN
voluntary service, community engagement
Project description
The region of Silesia is characterised by a relatively low level of volunteering. A report entitled the Threats and Opportunities in Education and Personal Development of Children and Youth in the Province of Silesia commissioned by the Regional Social Assistance Centre suggests that there is hardly any youth involvement in localcommunity affairs. Furthermore, according to the 2007-2015 NGO Engagement Programme of the Silesian Province, non-governmental organisations in the region on average attract 12 per cent fewer volunteers than NGOs elsewhere in Poland.
The objective of the project was to increase youth community engagement by offering a vehicle for citizen debates or Oxford debates facilitated by young volunteers.
Young volunteers received training and established 18 citizen debate clubs in their schools and engaged with 244 primary school pupils in the region. The debates helped improve community awareness, learn debating and public speaking skills.The project provided training for leaders and helped teachers develop skills to support the debate clubs. Youth organised and delivered 54 Oxford debates observed by 1,783 students. The process ended with the publication of a leader manual.
The project involved college students, primary school pupils and teachers in the Province of Silesia.
We use the grant for capacity building