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Dialogued Up

Civic participation Completed
2014-03-01 - 2016-04-30
260 105,21 PLN
233 444,73 PLN
local government
Project description
In recent years, the civil dialogue institutions (CDIs) have been created and strengthened in Poland. In addition to the Councils for Disabled Persons, already active in municipalities since 2003, or the Councils for Employment, more and more councils for Public Benefit Activity, Seniors, or Youth are created, as well as sectoral teams dealing with specific or temporary issues. All of them have opinion-giving nature. The most important problem for CDIs, diagnosed with the participants of the project, were the issues of communication within and without the councils. Members of the councils were much more interested in activities of other councils dealing with the same problems than other councils active in their own city, which resulted in the lack of interdisciplinary approach to solving problems in local government units and the lack of coordination between activities of civil dialogue institutions. The aim of the project was to enhance effectiveness of CDI operations in Śląskie voivodeship, the quality of solutions developed by them, and the communication between members of different civil bodies.
The project resulted in preparation of a tool – the Internet platform,, enhancing communication between civil dialogue institutions in Śląskie voivodeship, and between inhabitants and the institutions. CDIs can post on the platform information on their activities, while inhabitants can learn about the activities of the institutions and contact them. In addition, during trainings members of CDIs in three municipalities got to know each other, learned about the activities of other institutions and their members. Joint meetings of CDIs are planned, and other municipalities show interest in the tool for communication.
Under the project, a survey of CDIs was conducted, directed to local governments of all levels in Śląskie voivodeship. The results were published in the form of a report. 45 representatives of CDIs from Dąbrowa Górnicza, Jaworzno and Zabrze were trained. The results of the project were promoted during a conference, fairs and days of NGOs, as well as on specialist portals.
The project was directed to the members of CDIs in Śląskie voivodeship.
We use the grant for capacity building