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Citizens Coalition for Oncology

Public scrutiny Completed
2014-03-01 - 2015-02-28
303 765,65 PLN
272 913,00 PLN
Project description
ZA DŁUGIE According to the National Cancer Register, the incidence of cancer diseases more than doubled in the last three decades in Poland. In Poland, the mortality rate from cancer is higher than the European average, by approx. 20% for men and by approx. 10% for women. At the same time, only 30% cancer patients in Poland start treatment in an early phase of the disease. The National Programme to Fight Cancer (NPZChN) for the years 2006-15 was implemented ineffectively, as shown by the opinions from both the Supreme Audit Office and the parliamentary Health Committee. The project was a response to the deteriorating situation of cancer patients in Poland and to the lack of civil control over the processes of developing the government health policy. The aim of the project was to introduce social control over implementation of NPZChN by the Ministry of Health, to analyse the Programme, and to develop a Strategy for Cancer Treatment seen from patient's point of view.
The main result of the project consisted in including the principles and proposals from the Strategy into systemic solutions. e.g. the Cancer Treatment Package that is in force from January 1, 2015. The Ministry of Health appreciated the participation of patients in developing recommendations which were mostly taken into account in the new NPZChN for the years 2016-25.
Civil control was performed together with over 40 patient organisations gathered in the Union for Cancer Treatment. The principles of the Strategy for Cancer Treatment for the years 2015-25 were consulted. At the same time, the Expert Committee analysed the NPZChN for the years 2006-14, and the analysis was published in the form of a report. In addition, recommendations for the implementation of the Programme for the years 2016-25 were developed. The project was actively promoted in nationwide and professional media. A project "Social monitoring of implementation and realisation of the Cancer Treatment Package", implemented in connection with the programme Citizens for Democracy, is a continuation of the activities.
Beneficiaries of the project are actual and prospective cancer patients and the general public in Poland. The important contribution from the cooperation with the partner of the project - the Institute for Patient Rights and Health Education - were professional and expert support, and their experience in dialogue with decision-makers. In particular, the Institute promoted the project, participated in all analytical works and in developing the Strategy for Cancer Treatment.
We use the grant for capacity building