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Everything is Clear

Public scrutiny Completed
2014-03-01 - 2016-04-30
249 949,00 PLN
224 949,00 PLN
education system, disability
Project description
The Polish law in theory provides for education of children with disabilities, guarantees their right to attend schools of all types, adapted forms and methods of learning and additional support from specialists. But in practice the children are still directed to specialist institutions or individual teaching, and the resources coming from the central budget „disappear” in municipalities. The aim of the project was to improve the functioning of central and local government institutions and to improve the process of educational law-making and its implementation, to eliminate bad practices in spending educational subsidies to improve the situation of pupils with disabilities in Polish schools. Social auditing of the access to education of disabled pupils was conducted. The project was implemented based on civil and legal advisory services (1126 advices), education law monitoring, and gathering information on the present functioning of education law in Poland (548 hours of monitoring). Advocacy activities were conducted: participation in conferences, presenting comments and proposals during social consultations of new acts of law and regulations. Inclusive education was promoted and materials were prepared: an information guidebook and a base of official letter samples for parents, 4 reports on the situation in education, report from 3 videoconferences on good practices of inclusive education in selected European countries. The debate on the „Future of inclusive education in Poland” was organised where data from monitoring, project conclusions and recommendations were presented. The project was promoted in nationwide and social media. Many our proposals were included in legal amendments: the rules for spending educational subsidies for children with special needs, formerly spent not in line with the relevant norms, were refined, discriminatory practices in artistic schools were limited, and the access of disabled pupils to handbooks, properly adapted to their needs and abilities, was guaranteed. Schools were obliged to employ additional persons in forms where children with disabilities learn. The recipients were persons directly engaged in the process of educating children with disabilities (parents, teachers, heads of schools), and central and local decision-makers.
We use the grant for capacity building