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Digital Tales: I-We-Society

Combating discrimination Completed
2014-04-01 - 2015-03-31
69 582,31 PLN
62 451,24 PLN
Project description
To communicate their mission to general public is a big challenge for non-governmental organisations specialising in fighting discrimination. Since using sector jargon does not work, new, attractive ways for telling the general public about their activities should be used by organisations.
The aim of the project was to popularise storytelling among non-governmental organisations as a tool for counteracting discrimination and use storytelling for strengthening persons endangered by discrimination. It was focused on the group of non-heterosexual women.
As a result of the activities led under the project, 17 organisations active in the field of fighting discrimination were acquainted with the principles of storytelling and possibilities to use the tool in their work, and 10 non-heterosexual women were strengthened through creating stories about their own lives.

Under the project, many educational activities were led directed to two groups of beneficiaries: non-heterosexual women and persons connected with non-governmental organisations, specialising in fighting discrimination. 6-day workshops were organised, with participation of a Spanish female expert, on storytelling for 10 non-heterosexual women. An e-learning course was a continuation of the workshops. A webinary for persons connected with non-governmental organisations was organised to share experiences from project implementation and information on modalities to use storytelling as a tool to counteract discrimination. 7 persons participated in the webinary. Two-day trainings for 10 female representatives of non-governmental organisations were also conducted.

Beneficiaries of the project were 57 persons who participated in the educational activities.
We use the grant for capacity building