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Volunteering for Senior Citizens: ‘Active for Their Own Sake – Active for the Sake of Others’

Counteracting exclusion Completed
2014-04-15 - 2015-04-30
258 914,37 PLN
229 517,20 PLN
voluntary service, elderly people
Project description
The number of elder persons has been steadily increasing in Poland (between 2015 and 2020 the number of retired people will increase by 13.4%, according to estimates by the Main Statistical Office), and demographic indicators in this age group have been improving (people live longer and in better state of health). Thus, a need emerges to organise leisure and use experiences, knowledge and skills of senior citizens in order to prevent their marginalisation.
The report from a survey led by grant-taking organisation in establishments operated in Wrocław confirmed shortage of volunteers that would support activities of the professional caretakers, as well as the lack of activities that would prepare, recruit and initiate volunteers into assistance activity.
The aim of conducted activities was to prepare elder persons 50+ to volunteer work in care establishments for homeless persons and to prepare managers of the establishments to skilfully manage volunteer work, and thus to improve the quality of services provided by the establishments and to prevent exclusion of seniors.
As a result of activities conducted in 28 assistance establishments led by the Divisions of the organisations, volunteers started to work all over the country. Senior citizens were activated and part of them took also the function of volunteerism coordinators and will develop this kind of activities at their localities.
A series of trainings for volunteers was organised (61 persons from 30 divisions) on problems related to volunteerism, specificity of homelessness, organising assistance activities and using new technologies, as well as trainings for staff (42 persons from 30 divisions) on rights and duties of volunteers, organising of work and constructive communication. 52 trained persons started volunteer work, and 20 of them also took the duties of coordinators of volunteerism. Also a debate was organised on senior volunteerism that gathered researchers and practitioners. Activities served 61 50+ persons, staff of establishments supporting homeless and poor people (42 persons), and recipients of services provided by 28 establishments where volunteerism was introduced.
We use the grant for capacity building