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Assistance Service Coalition

Civic participation Completed
2014-04-30 - 2016-04-29
349 725,73 PLN
309 840,00 PLN
Project description
The need for the project came from the poor availability of assistant services in Poland. The lack of systemic guarantees for availability of such services results in lower levels of activation of persons with disabilities. So far, the assistant services were available in Poland only in individual municipalities and usually had short time-frame connected with particular projects. In addition, the issue of regeneration breaks in families with dependent disabled persons was totally ignored.
The aim of the project was to create a coalition acting for availability of assistant services and to introduce legal amendments that will allow for systemic financing of the services.
Such solutions were introduced by the regulation of the Minister of Labour and Social Policy of October 22, 2015, amending the regulation on the types of tasks in the field of professional and social rehabilitation of disabled persons commissioned to foundations and NGOs. The amendment to a great extent follows the proposals from the interested groups, encouraging the development of assistant services on the level of county local government.
Under the project, a coalition was created gathering 11 non-governmental organisations and institutions active in organising assistant services in local government units. 8 coalition meetings were held where recommendations were developed on the methods for organising assistant services and the amendments to the regulation of the Minister of National Education on programme basis in vocational education. Under the project, assistant support was given to 55 families. The experiences gathered allowed for developing assistant centres in Wrocław and Bielsko-Biała. 5 conferences were organised for all persons interested in developing and offering assistant services and regeneration breaks with participation of representatives of NGOs and municipal institutions responsible for implementing social policies in their regions. Also 6 articles were published in regional press (Gazera Wyborcza), specialist periodicals (Praca Socjalna) and on the Internet (,
The recipients of the activities were persons with disabilities and organisations working for them. The project partner had a leading role in the methods of implementing the service of regeneration and assistant breaks in view of their former experience in this field.
We use the grant for capacity building