L@nguage of Love
Combating discrimination
City of Żywiec, Żywiec, Poland
Áskorun Ltd., Iceland
2014-03-01 - 2015-12-31
350 018,50 PLN
314 988,50 PLN
multiculturalism, Roma, hate speech, integration
Project description
Hate speech is a problem at the rise, both in public spaces, as well as on the Internet. It is a challenge for the law enforcement, public institutions and civil society organizations to combat this phenomenon. Low conviction rate and social acceptance in the form of absence of strong opposition and reaction are factors contributing to this situation. The project aimed at increasing efforts of local leaders targeted at counteracting hate speech. Project deliverables included a nation-wide campaign against hate speech covering 29 local events. Within the frames of the project the Academy of Antidiscrimination Animation (AAA) has been organized and 30 animators from various towns from all across Poland participated in this undertaking. The AAA covered a number of workshops and the participants were able to use the acquired knowledge in practice during 3 antidiscrimination events organized in Zywiec. Afterwards, 20 people who have participated in the AAA, received expert tutoring support as a result of which 15 local events, directed at counteracting hate speech, were organized. 2,700 people participated in the local activities. Additionally, 11 events in public spaces were rolled out consisting of painting antidiscrimination graffiti. People from groups vulnerable to hate speech/discrimination (LGBT people, the deaf, the elderly, Roma, migrants) got successfully included in the activities. All campaign events and activities were covered in a multimedia presentation promoted online. Project activities were also promoted in the bulletin “Colours of Żywiec”, published by Klamra Foundation (four issues were published during the roll out of the project). The beneficiaries of the project included 30 local leaders and 2,895 people, who participated in 29 local antidiscrimination events. Partner organization from Island had the task to share knowledge about nonconventional methods of workshop delivery, which was later used within the frames of the AAA. The representative of the partner organization served also as an expert tutor. On the other hand the town of Żywiec cooperated in the organization of the AAA and local events, which highlighted their prominence.
We use the grant for capacity building