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Ukrainian Women Club

Counteracting exclusion Completed
2014-05-01 - 2015-10-31
253 303,47 PLN
227 687,60 PLN
multiculturalism, refugees and migrants, women
Project description
Ukrainians are the largest and steadily growing group of immigrants in Poland. Currently 64,000 Ukrainian citizens, of which 60% are women, have valid residence cards. Immigrant women work mainly in the area of household services. The largest group of these women resides in Warsaw. The organization has ascertained, which was confirmed by the immigrants, that activities counteracting their social exclusion are scarce.
The objective of the project was to increase the activity rate of immigrant women from Ukraine and to include them in social life through the creation of an immigrant women group, equipped with knowledge and skills enabling them to continue activities for their community.
As a result of the project 50 immigrant women living in Warsaw acquired new competences and started to be active for the benefit of their community within the frames of Ukrainian Women Club.
The activities covered regular meetings devoted to various subjects, external cultural events, organizational, informational and special occasions meetings (43 in total), cooking workshops (9), craft workshops (22), personal development training (7). The participants of the project took part in training courses (8) on activity planning, team management, time management, fundraising and other subjects preparing them to manage the Club on their own. Three study visits were organized as well – to Kraków, Orońsk and Dubiażyn, to get acquainted with the activities of three organization with a similar profile. The members of the Club have started a musical ensemble “Kalyna”, performing 17 times during the duration of the project, and organized 11 team-building events. The Club’s Facebook profile received 1,300 likes.
The main beneficiaries of the project were 50 immigrant women from Ukraine residing in Warsaw, actively engaged in the activities of the Ukrainian Women Club, as well as 1,236 people in total, who took part in meetings, workshops, training and events organized by the Club.
We use the grant for capacity building