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We Are Changing the World Heart by Heart

Children and youth Completed
L'Arche Foundation, Śledziejowice, Poland
2014-04-25 - 2015-07-31
382 765,00 PLN
343 355,00 PLN
hate speech
Project description
Discrimination and exclusion affecting adults with mental disabilities has also affected attitudes among children and young people.These may be changed through information sharing, emotional communication and exposure to positive personal experience that shape attitudes.

Therefore, the project aimed at improving children's and young people's awareness of the problem of discrimination against people with disabilities and the need for acceptance. The goal was to be achieved by organising themed sessions in schools and supporting joint initiatives.

255 volunteers completed 55 joint initiatives; 2,360 children 5-12 and 1,014 young people aged 13-17 from 62 schools were trained and encouraged to engage in interactions with people with mental disabilities.

The project offered 102 sessions for children using puppet shows where the puppets were 'disabled' and played out real-life episodes from the lives of people with disabilities. Furthermore, 53 workshops were organised for youth to address the problem of discrimination. The project produced two puppets with a Down syndrome, a video entitled 'I am,' a set of class scenarios; the puppet show actors received training under the project.

Project beneficiaries included children and youth aged 5-17 from 62 schools.

The partnership with The World of Puppets from Iceland, lead by world-famous puppeteer Bernd Ogrodnik, helped tap into the vast experience in prototyping puppets with a Down syndrome. The L'Arche Foundation delivered sessions for children using the puppet show techniques.
We use the grant for capacity building