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I Am Coming Home

Counteracting exclusion Completed
2014-03-03 - 2014-12-31
69 780,23 PLN
62 650,83 PLN
prisoners, women
Project description
Return to normal life after serving a term in prison is a very difficult process. Employees of the Warszawa Grochów Remand Prison say that women serving prison terms are willing to improve their previous behaviour, but they need support. Psychological help is given in the centre only to a limited extent. There is an urgent need to undertake activities to prepare prisoners for social reintegration.

The aim of the project was to support women imprisoned in the Warszawa Grochów Remand Prison during last months of their prison terms and first months of freedom, and thus to counteract their exclusion through helping them to return to life in freedom.

Based on evaluation questionnaires conducted among 11 participants, enhancement of communication and interpersonal abilities and willingness to further change their lives in order to avoid return to prison was diagnosed.

Under the project, for 5 months relaxation classes with elements of yoga and psycho-educational workshops were led for 16 women. In the following months, 6 participants who left prison were given additional support (psychological support, social and life advice)

The activities led under the project covered 16 women imprisoned in the Warszawa Grochów Remand Prison.
We use the grant for capacity building