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Resource-Rich Citizens

Civic participation Completed
2014-03-03 - 2015-09-30
382 248,40 PLN
342 763,40 PLN
national policies
Project description
Poles become more and more affluent, but not more "resourceful". For the last 10 years. Poland has been gradually catching up with the EU average of GDP per capita. But we are still far below the EU average in the field of managing natural resources - measured e.g. by efficiency in using natural resources, energy saving efficiency or recycling.
The aim of the project was to improve the quality of natural resources management in Poland.
The main result of the project is developing of guidelines for reforming the natural resources management system in Poland with participation of citizens, organisations, administration, business and experts, and introducing the issue of resources management into the main course of public debate through publication a report titled "Citizens resourceful in resources. White Paper on management".
The report was developed during long-term and broad activities, including 4 meetings of a special expert group, consultations with 47 experts from different parts of Poland and in Oslo, macroeconomic research comparing natural resources management results in Poland and in other European countries, and online civic consultations. The report was presented during the public conference in Warsaw and is available on the web page
Cooperation with the Norwegian institution enabled organisation to survey and present in Poland good practices from Norway - a country that has one of the best results in Europe in natural resources management. Experts from the Fridtjof Institute participated in the process of planning and developing of the research report, e.g. by contributing materials concerning conclusions for Poland coming from Norwegian experiences in the field of natural resources management (Chapter 4 of the "White Paper"). Tor Hakon Jackson Inderberg had lectures during the second meeting of the expert group and during the conference summarising the project. He also co-organised the study visit in Oslo, being an opportunity to exchange institutional good practices between partner teams and to organise a meeting with representatives of entities dealing with natural resources management in Norway.
We use the grant for capacity building