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Balanced development of mountain areas - man, law, and nature

Public scrutiny Completed
Ecological Legal Advisory, Kraków, Poland
2014-04-01 - 2016-03-31
349 687,44 PLN
314 692,44 PLN
local government, local policies, environment protection/sustainable developement, public institutions
Project description
For the past 26 years, the Association has conducted social monitoring of activities that had bearing on the protection of mountains. In recent years, a growing problem of irregularities in planning and implementing ski investments could be observed: unpermitted buildings and land use violations, unprofessional and unlawful decisions, abuse of power, promoting the interests of investors without regard for local communities. The problems concern in particular valuable areas. The aim of the project was to protect the unique natural environment of mountain eco-systems through blocking ski investments that are dangerous for natural environment and the safety of people, and unlawful . Activities were led such as monitoring of administrative decisions and procedures concerning ski investments (257 existing and 49 planned projects were analysed), active participation in the procedures of environmental impact evaluation (OOŚ), and preparation of guidelines concerning the procedure. The key problems of inadequate law regulations were also diagnosed, as well as of defective practices in their implementation. As a result of the activities, the problematic investments were identified, unlawful administrative decisions were eliminated, and criminal responsibility for damaging natural environment was enforced. Systemic problems in planning and implementation of investments were diagnosed, and the first guidebook for protection of mountain eco-systems was prepared. A guidebook was also prepared for investors, as well as instructions concerning social participation in administrative procedures. The thematic service was launched, concerning mountain eco-systems and implemented ski investments. The project supported changes in legal regulations to block an easy legalisation of unpermitted buildings. The project benefited respresentatives of administration on the local, regional and central levels responsible for planning and investments implemented in the mounbtains, NGOs, scientists, persons implementing OOŚ reports, investors and the general public. The partner of the project was responbsible for legal aspects of the activities.
We use the grant for capacity building