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Support Through Advice

Counteracting exclusion Completed
Blessed Marianna Biernacka Family Support Centre of the Łomża Diocese in Zambrów, Zambrów, Poland
2014-04-30 - 2016-04-30
249 020,61 PLN
219 209,39 PLN
Project description
Experience of the Organization proves that people with disabilities and members of their families from Łomża and hajnowski, łomżyński and zambrowski counties have decreased access to social assistance in a form of professional legal counseling and information on laws and rights. County family assistance centers obliged to offer such support don’t provide it to a sufficient extent. People with disabilities and members of their families belong to a group particularly vulnerable to social exclusion. Due to poor education and usually difficult financial situation they are left on the margin of social life, they are passive and not able to solve problems, especially the ones of legal nature. Thus, they need access to free of charge and comprehensible legal and citizens’ advice.
The objective of the project was to increase access of disabled people and their families’ members from 4 counties of Podlaskie Voivodeship to professional legal counseling and information about laws and rights.
Thanks to the project implementation 900 persons received 977 pieces of advice granted by experienced advisors Citizens Advice Bureau in Łomża. People could go to the CAB or to the Citizens Advice Office in Zambrów run in co-operation of the Family Support Center. Access to advice was also available in a form of phone calls, letters, e-mails and Internet communicator Skype. In co-operation with the County Family Assistance Centre in Hajnówka an online advise Office was founded. Disabled citizens of Łomża, who are not able to leave their homes have been offered advice in their homes.
Beneficiaries of the project were 900 disabled people and members of their families from Łomża and the counties: hajnowski, łomżyński and zambrowski.
The project partner, Blessed Marianna Biernacka Family Support Center Caritas of Łomża Diocese in Zambrów, provided the premises for the counseling activity, engaged in the activity promotion and assured service for the people seeking counseling. The County Family Assistance Centre in Hajnówka provided access to the premises and technical facilities for the office of online Office, assured service for the people seeking counseling and took part in the project promotion.
We use the grant for capacity building