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Social Creatiffcah: Just Cause Advertising School

Children and youth Completed
2014-10-30 - 2015-07-15
109 000,00 PLN
98 000,00 PLN
voluntary service
Project description
The project was a response to a low level of community engagement of young people in County Grójec (Masovia Province). Out of 166 projects implemented by the association over the past 8 years, only about 10 per cent have been youth projects. Social research suggests that social relations of young people living in rural areas are marked by little diversity. They lack interactions with young adults who could inspire them to grasp new life opportunities. Young people have limited knowledge and skills of using local resources.
The objective of the project was to provide youth with skills that will allow them to engage in community activities in response locally diagnosed issues and needs.

The project included such activities as a local needs assessment conducted by a group of 66 young people aged 14-19 and 14 social campaigns. The youth gained skills in developing social and advertising campaigns, project based group work and self-assessment of skills and personal resources.
The project delivered 6 workshops attended by 66 young people; youth produced 48 photo stories (known in the project as ‚photo-assessments’) about their communities; the photo stories were used as input in the social campaigns; one portfolio of social campaign ideas has been developed.
Project participants included young people aged 14-19 in County Grójec.
We use the grant for capacity building