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Children and youth Completed
Foundation of Positive Change, Bielsko-Biała, Poland
2014-09-01 - 2016-04-30
348 445,90 PLN
312 570,60 PLN
Project description
In the socialisation and education process, girls are often stereotypically assigned roles where there is no place for playing drums or electric guitar commonly believed to be male instruments. The discrimination against women takes place at many different levels of our reality and it affects behaviours and attitudes. A number of jobs are still considered to be predominantly male; this includes rock music. Music composed/played by women is still underestimated and marginalised by popular culture.
The project aimed at social reintegration of girls threatened by social exclusion by inviting them to take part in performing arts projects with their peers.
The project involved 12 girls from care centres, orphanages and community activity centres. They formed music bands, organised concerts and other performative events, which entailed working together for a common cause with their peers.
Three rock camps were organised for girls aged 14-19 where they could learn to play instruments, take singing classes, attend lyrics writing workshops and anti-discrimination workshops; each camp ended with a final concert; 10 music workshops were delivered; two music bands were formed and they have continued rehearsing and playing concerts ever since.
Project beneficiaries included girls aged 14-19 from all over Poland. 20 per cent came from socially vulnerable families.
The project was implemented in partnership with Stelpur Rokka!, an organisation from Iceland; it was responsible for co-designing the Girls Rock Camp, delivering some of the activities to teenagers, leaders and volunteers of preparatory camps.
The Foundation for Positive Change was the Polish project partner; it was responsible for co-designing and co-organising the Girls Rock Camp in Poland.
We use the grant for capacity building