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I Know Why I Vote: Promoting Civic Attitudes Among Students

Children and youth Completed
Zalesie Górne
2014-09-01 - 2015-09-15
165 794,75 PLN
146 918,54 PLN
multiculturalism, antisemitism
Project description
The project was designed for youth in middle and high schools in six county capital cities with a goal of addressing the low level of civic awareness among youth and the widespread belief that things are beyond their control (based on the findings of the 2011 Youth Report, Voter 2.0 Report and the 2010 Youth questionnaire). Local, presidential and national elections were held in 2014 and 2015, which opened the opportunity for many young people to go to the polls for the first time.

In the long term, the project aimed at increasing the number of young active voters in six selected county capitals.
445 students in six middle and high schools developed 29 mini-projects designed to encourage higher voter turnout in their communities.

The project assessed the baseline situation of each community, offered two rounds of workshops, developed an educational game and young people organised street performance activities, information campaigns, social campaigns, city fames and candidate debates.

Project beneficiaries included young people and teachers in middle and high schools in Łapy, Łowicz, Piastów, Pruszków, Radomsko and Suwałki.
We use the grant for capacity building