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Volunteering? Count me in!

Children and youth Completed
2014-08-04 - 2016-04-30
373 540,29 PLN
334 640,41 PLN
voluntary service, new technologies
Project description
In Poland, the levels of civic engagement and volunteering are below the average in Europe.
This was confirmed by, among others, the Social Diagnosis and the research conducted by Klon/Jawor – only 14 per cent of Poles declare that they were involved in volunteering during the previous year.
The aim of the project was to increase youth civic engagement and volunteering in the Silesian voivodship.
During the project implementation, over 1,000 volunteers from c.40 school groups of volunteers developed and implemented 171 social projects, such as charity concerts or integration picnics. Short videos were prepared on14 of them.
Training sessions were conducted, 200 meetings were organized for students interested in volunteering, gamification concept was introduced and a gala for summing up the project implementation was organized. The basic principles of gamification, including rules, techniques, mission, challenges and ranking of teams can be found on
Young people from 52 secondary schools in the Silesian voivodship were direct beneficiaries of all conducted activities.
The project partner – the Red Cross from Iceland - provided expert and technical consultations, mainly on how to introduce the gamification mechanism in volunteering.
We use the grant for capacity building