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Community Monitoring of Education

Public scrutiny Completed
2014-09-01 - 2016-04-30
206 963,90 PLN
186 113,90 PLN
education system, public institutions, public finances
Project description
In the years 2007-2013 the Ministry of National Education (MEN) had at their disposal in excess of euro 1 billion from the Human Capital Operational Programme (HCOP). More than euro 235 million was allocated to the action 3.2, implemented by the Central Examination Commission (CKE). Those resources were used to finance, among other things, the implementation of a computer system for e-assessment, construction of an exercises database, a pilot programme of new secondary-school leaving exams, and the development of external exams. The operation of MEN and CKE lacked transparency, they failed to publish reports on the implementation of important projects, and the projects’ contents was presented in a manner incomprehensible even to education experts. The systemic projects implemented by MEN are built on the premise that the role of education is limited to preparing candidates for the job market, but they omit other functions of education, such as preventing discrimination, promoting gender equality, participation, pluralism and inclusion. Such vision, although one-sided, increasingly dominates the public discourse.
The objective of the project was to analyse the systemic projects implemented by the Ministry of National Education and the Central Examination Commission.
As part of the project, analyses of the changes to the education law were prepared, and qualitative research was performed on the effects of systemic projects implemented by MEN and CKE, as well as on the teachers’ community engagement in the implementation of those projects. The proceedings of the modified secondary school leaving exams were monitored.
The association corresponded with MEN, CKE and regional examination commissions. Documents on systemic education projects were analysed, talks were held with the staff of the monitored projects and their teacher beneficiaries. All the collected materials were published on the Społeczny Monitor Edukacji website (www., pl), in 7 bulletins, and on Facebook. 20 analyses of the monitored actions were prepared. The outcomes of the project were presented during the 20th of April seminar, attended by teachers, representatives of the Citizens for Education movement and the ZNP trade union.
The beneficiaries of the project were teachers, students, educational organisations, the Ministry of National Education and the Central Examination Commission.
We use the grant for capacity building