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Diagnosing and changing the factors leading to deficient functioning of the basic healthcare (POZ)

Public scrutiny Completed
DNV-GL, Norway
2015-03-01 - 2016-04-30
335 418,89 PLN
299 710,78 PLN
Project description
The healthcare in Poland is poorly evaluated, as showed by the Eurobarometer 411 survey comparing the quality of healthcare in different EU countries. The aim of the project was to indicate to the healthcare personnel the key patient service elements for the quality and the accessibility of treatment, and then to develop together with them the methods of refining the processes in a manner visible to patients. In cooperation with basic healthcare units (BHU) in Pomorskie and Mazowieckie voivodeships, a method to control BHU operations and signalling necessary changes was developed. The healthcare units were chosen in the project partners’ areas, differing in the number of doctors and patients, the scope of services offered, available premises. For the survey, the Balanced Scorecard used in process management was adapted and used to prepare a „map” of BHU processes. Process indicators were chosen and questions for patients were prepared that were understandable and free of emotional valuations. The questionnaire surveys covered over 1200 patients. Among respondents from Pomorskie and Mazowieckie voivodeships 600 Internet questionnaire surveys were led. Then, 634 direct interviews were led among patients of 10 BHUs in Mazowieckie and 10 BHUs in Pomorskie voivodeships. The results were presented on a graphical scale of deficiencies in services and communication. During the project five workshops were consulted with employees of 15 BHUs (doctors, heads, auxiliary staff and patient organisations). During the workshops, the results from the survey were analysed and possible changes and further uses of the method were proposed. The support for changes in BHUs was led through the webpage The page enables patients to present their comments, and allows for further surveys among patients, and thus the ongoing evaluation of healthcare units. It also forms a knowledge base to improve communication with patients. During the project, 8 clinics implemented changes in appointment organisation and communication. The experts of the Norwegian partner supplied relevant materials and led workshops for the project team and BHUs, analysing and choosing survey indicators. Contacts with and surveys among BHU employees were led by experts from the Pomeranian Foundation of the Surgery Development.
We use the grant for capacity building