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Romani migrants of Romanian origins in Poland – with their own voice about themselves

Combating discrimination Completed
Gorzów Wlkp.
2015-02-02 - 2016-02-29
91 864,97 PLN
80 974,97 PLN
refugees and migrants, Roma, integration, community engagement
Project description
The majority of Romanian Roma live in encampments without access to many basic facilities: infrastructure, health care and education. They are often at risk of direct violence. Public authorities, institutions and NGOs have no knowledge about Roma immigrants from Romania, which adds to the discrimination and exclusion of these people from public debate.
The aim of the project was to collect reliable data and to explain to the decision takers what the causes and the nature of Roma minority migration are. The plan assumed to offset the dominating stereotypical way of presenting Romanian Roma by giving voice to the representatives of that community.
The project enabled Roma to become parties when contacting authorities, public institutions and media.
The report and video materials are an important tool for undertaken interventions and advocacy. As a result it was possible to interest the Ombudsman and local authorities in the Roma’s situation. A research paper on the history and legal situation of Roma was prepared. Three press monitoring reports and a survey among Roma community (62 structured interviews and 18 in-depth interviews) were carried out. Six encampments were photo-documented. 20 and 7 minute videos (to share online) were created based on the interviews. A brochure (500 copies) summarizing the study was published. 72 hours of workshops for 6 leaders from the Roma immigrant community were carried out. 4 panel discussions with the participation of Roma were organized and about 100 people took part in them. About 200 people benefited directly from the project: Roma participating in the project and people participating in discussion. Around 428 people received the brochure and were thus able to learn indirectly about the project activities.
Partner organizations under the project included Wielkopolska Tenant Association and NOMADA, and they participated in the preparation of research and project promotion.