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← back to the search (IhavetheRighttoKnow) and (My Polis) in the election year: on politics and data

Civic participation Completed
Klon/Jawor Association, Warszawa, Poland
2015-03-01 - 2016-04-30
337 259,12 PLN
300 863,52 PLN
new technologies, accessing public data
Project description
The knowledge on who the elected representatives are and how they realise their mandate encourages citizens to ask questions, strengthens democratic mechanisms and motivates the government to more transparent activity. It is particularly important to publicise information during election campaigns. It is also important to show how particular political decisions are connected with the facts and data concerning Poland and the society.
The aim of the project was to supply citizens with the knowledge on the views of candidates and the activities of the authorities (the Parliament, the government, the president) and to explain the reasons for decisions taken by them. To this purpose, data on almost 1000 politicians and several thousand election candidates were collected and publicised (, as well as data describing the social and economic situation in Poland (Partner – Over 100 analyses, data sets, reports, Parliament and EP announcements and iconographies were prepared and published presenting politicians and the issues connected with their decisions. The materials were published or cited by both nationwide and local media. Efforts were undertaken to encourage the authorities to publish data on their activities and to engage citizens in a dialogue with their representatives. Under the project, data and analyses were presented on MPs, city presidents and election candidates. With participation of 50 organisations and experts, a questionnaire on experiences and views of parliamentary candidates was prepared. Over 900 answers to the questionnaire were published, and about 1500 financial disclosures were reviewed. A base of over 700 biographies of politicians was developed. The project Partner,, gathered data concerning e.g. results of the parliamentary elections and referendums, turnout, tourism, digitisation and crime. The partner participated in data processing and promotion of prepared materials.
We use the grant for capacity building