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Road To Independence

Counteracting exclusion Completed
2015-02-02 - 2016-04-29
271 004,68 PLN
243 746,68 PLN
Project description
A survey among 103 persons with intellectual disability (PID) conducted by the Organization indicates that 70% have problems with direct acting in their personal capacity, for 65% it is difficult to cope with difficult social situations, and 94% wants to try to live outside their family home. As a biggest problem on the way of gaining independence by PID 164 parents list: lack of PID’s readiness and skills of independent living, lack of a possibility to conduct a trial of independent living, lack of their own competence to change the attitude from doing work for their child into supporting.
The goal of the project was to counteract social exclusion of people with intellectual disabilities and furnishing them with skills, which will lead to their independence and integration with society.
24 PID have increased their self-confidence, activity, openness to new challenges, their parents have been furnished with skills of conscious supporting of their adult children. In Koszalin the subject of the need to found assisted living facilities was discussed for the first time.
The following activities were organized for 24 PID: workshops strengthening key competences with regard to independence and personal resourcefulness (2 editions 19 hours each), trainings in independence in assisted living facilities (5 for each person) including running independent household, maintenance of cleanliness, management of budget, diet planning and meals preparing, organizing leisure activities, participation in social and cultural life, voluntary work. 25 parents were offered: 3 workshops raising awareness of the necessity of making adult PID independent, presenting methods of developing of their life resourcefulness and support techniques and a study visit in an organization running assisted living facilities (2 editions - Stargard Szczeciński, Gdańsk). The idea of assisted living was promoted during Dignity Day and all-Poland conference "Way to independence – adult disabilities".
The project participants were PID: 14 women and 10 men aged 21-43 from Koszalin and Koszalin County and 29 parents/caregivers.
The Partner has organized a study visit, which subject was connected to assisted living.
We use the grant for capacity building