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Change Engine. Senior Community Activities

Counteracting exclusion Completed
2015-03-01 - 2016-04-30
390 171,12 PLN
344 971,12 PLN
voluntary service, elderly people
Project description
According to the Central Statistical Office (2011), only 3.8% of persons aged 55+ actively support their communities (the lowest rate among all age groups). The final stage of professional life is not replaced with other forms of active ageing, and thus carries a social exclusion threat.
The project purpose was to prepare persons aged 55+ to remain active during retirement by implementing their own social projects and engaging in volunteer work.
Forty persons aged 55+ gained new experience and skills in social work. Eight implemented their own social and cultural projects, 3 undertook regular volunteer work to support non-governmental organisations.
Following an introductory workshop, 40 persons aged 55+ attended 4 study visits at institutions offering volunteer work openings. Eight meetings were held, attendants exchanging inspirations and ideas for social work. Experienced culture animators delivered a series of workshops to design original social and cultural projects, offering implementation assistance as well. Eight persons implemented their own social projects, 22 engaged in community work, 3 undertook regular volunteer assignments. The project was joined by 6 employers (public and private) who designed individual career development paths for project participants. A publication was published, advising employers how to support the social activity of persons aged 55+ within the framework of a volunteer work programme.
The project was attended by 40 professionally active persons aged 55+, and 6 employers.
The Polish partner (“ę” Association of Creative Initiatives) contributed their experience of co-operating with persons aged 55+, social and cultural project incubator tools, and culture animators’ assistance. They also organised meetings with graduates of previous senior programme editions.
The Norwegian partner (Volunteer Work Centre, Tysvaer) contributed their concepts of engaging citizens aged 55+ in volunteer work, and handled participant consultations.
We use the grant for capacity building