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Enjoy Living In Your Own Place

Counteracting exclusion Completed
2015-04-01 - 2016-04-30
250 923,23 PLN
225 000,00 PLN
foster care/adoption
Project description
In Poland alumni leaving child care centers face a problem of absence of stable place of residence. Without permanent employment and financial resources they can’t rent an apartment and have to come back to their biological family being in crisis, from where they had been taken by court order a few years ago. The return and living in dysfunctional community in spite of the educational work completed in a child care center favors duplicating destructive behaviors and causes long-term dependency on aid schemes.
The aim of the project was to improve a support system in terms of housing for alumni of foster custody system in Gdańsk through developing and pilot implementation of a housing policy program for the alumni as a model program, which will be implemented also after the activities’ completion with the support of the Local Self-Government of Gdańsk.
Thanks to the project realization two premises were adapted for living and furnished with aid of two alumni, who gained practical skills to prepare an apartment for living and to maintain it.
Two participants of the pilot program were recruited, and two mentors supporting the alumni in developing competences concerning independent living were hired. A Team for the Gdańsk Model of Supported Housing was set up and two regulations concerning the supported housing program were worked out. Municipality of Gdańsk donated two premises for the pilot creating and running supported housing for the alumni of foster custody system to the Foundation. The premises were renovated with the involvement of the mentors and the mentees. A business partner for co-operation in adapting and furnishing two apartments was gained. A guide-book for the alumni of the child care centers and educators was worked out. Workshops on fundraising for the educators of the Homes for Children were conducted.
Two alumni of foster custody system and 20 educators from Foundation benefited the project.
Including a partner - Local Self-Government of Gdańsk – in the project realization allowed for working out solutions in the field of supported housing, which have been recognized as legitimate, and their implementation will be continued also after the activities’ completion.
We use the grant for capacity building