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I know my rights – Legnica against discrimination of women

Combating discrimination Completed
2015-03-01 - 2016-02-29
63 297,49 PLN
56 967,49 PLN
violence, women
Project description
According to information from law enforcement, at least 1000 female inhabitants of Legnica experience violence at home and at work. It has been noted that a huge number of women refrain from seeking legal support, mainly due to a lack of means to pay the lawyer. There is no institution in Legnica offering free legal aid for women. The project aimed to organise extensive legal aid for women in Legnica experiencing discrimination and violence, as well as anti-violence education for citizens. The project was also to serve in the exchange of experiences among the employees of municipal institutions working for the rights of women.
The project enabled the provision of legal aid to 102 people. 36 persons that took part in training meetings have improved their competence within the provision of legal aid for people experiencing discrimination or violence. Institutions started cooperation to solve difficult situations of women experiencing violence.
102 people benefited from 216 hours of counselling. 2000 leaflets and 500 brochures were published as part of information and promotion activities. 16 announcements and 6 press articles were published in the press and online. The campaign reached about 10,000 people. Three 4-hour meetings for persons employed in municipal institutions were organised. During workshops, solutions that could help in the greater and fuller legal protection of women were discussed. A report summarizing the work with beneficiaries and the results, as well as recommendations for further activities, was developed.
About 140 people have benefitted from the project (102 people benefitted from counselling and 36 people participated in the training courses). The audience of the informational campaign were citizens of Legnica in the number of about 10,000 people.
We use the grant for capacity building