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Counteracting exclusion Completed
2015-03-01 - 2016-04-30
187 496,50 PLN
167 300,00 PLN
disability, integration
Project description
ccording to data of the Poverty and Intellectual Disability in Europe report, people with intellectual disabilities (PID) account for about 1% population. It means that in Rybnik and its environs about 2,000 PID live. This group is particularly vulnerable to social exclusion and it needs professional support in many areas of life. In many cases PID upon finishing school don’t continue their social activity, which results in loss of the social skills acquired so far. Often PID are subjects of intolerance and disrespect.
The objective of the project was a social reintegration of 20 persons with intellectual disabilities from Rybnik and its environs through professional theatre activities.
20 PID improved their social skills through participation in theatre workshops and social skills trainings. Eight of them acting as theatre instructors conducted workshops for 122 people. A play concerning PID’s independence was staged.
Activities employed in the project (theatre workshops - 160 h; social skills training - 300 h) improved competences of 20 PID in respect of playing various social roles and interacting socially, which translated into their better functioning. 8 PID conducted 70 h of theatre classes with children, youth and adults (122 persons). The workshops allowed the PID to overcome barriers following from their disabilities. The culmination of the project activities was a theatre performance of disabled persons and persons without disabilities presented to a wider audience from Rybnik and its environs (700 people), which let the PID not only demonstrate their theatre skills, but also tell others about their disabilities in Gombrowicz style. 20 parents of PID improved their skills with regard to dealing with the problems on the way to become independent by their disabled sons and daughters through 18 h of the group activation meetings.
Beneficiaries of the project were 20 PID, 20 parents of the people with intellectual disabilities and 122 participants of the theatre workshops.
The Partner of the project took part in the recruitment of the participants, preparation of the program and evaluation of the theatre workshops. The Partner also supported the implementation and promotion of the project.
We use the grant for capacity building