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PROFNET. Support for non-governmental organizations for addiction prevention.

Systemic projects Completed
2014-03-03 - 2016-04-30
1 982 533,01 PLN
1 765 663,38 PLN
Project description
The Foundation identified a number of obstacles to the development of non-governmental organisations active in preventing addictions: no information on organisations, weakness of the prevention programme recommendation system, no vocational training system, and inefficient funding schemes.

The project purpose was to empower this part of the third sector by promoting knowledge about these organizations, improving their operations, improving prevention specialists' qualifications, and promoting recommended prevention programmes among local decision-makers on prevention.

A website with a database of 1,003 organisations was set up, knowledge database and 3 e-learning courses included. A training programme for future addictions prevention specialists was developed. Eleven application documentations were designed for the database of programmes recommended by the National Bureau for Drug Prevention. Related information was disseminated in the local and central authorities' community through debates, a conference, and a publication.

Forty-eight organisations interested in registering with the recommended programme database were consulted. A book describing these programmes was published (4,000 copies). A pilot training programme for future specialists was delivered. One hundred and two organisations attended training courses, consultations, and a webinar on auditing formal and topical needs; 93 participated in evaluation trainings and consultations; 93 received supervision assistance. An e-book on evaluation was produced (1,229 downloads) alongside a package of e-learning educational materials. Eight regional debates and a conference on intersectoral prevention co-operation prevention were organised for a total of 418 attendants.

Project beneficiaries included 263 non-governmental organisations active in addictions prevention.
Three partners supported the Foundation in areas of NGO research, debates and conference preparation, and designing the training programme for future specialists. The Polish Association of Drug Prevention engaged in supervision assistance; the University of Warsaw helped draft the e-learning materials package.
We use the grant for capacity building