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New methods of participatory planning of transport infrastructure

Bilateral relations Completed
Polish Society for Futures Studies
2015-05-15 - 2015-11-30
51 319,47 PLN
51 319,47 PLN
Project description
In partnership with the Subito! company and the Norwegian National Rail Administration, the Society completed the "New Methods of Participatory Planning of Transport Infrastructure" thematic project. With a view to strengthen co-operation with one of the partners and to get in touch with new institutions, two study visits to Norway and a seminar in Oslo (focusing on improving the quality of long-term planning and participation in transport infrastructure planning) were organised. The seminar was an opportunity to join forces for purposes of designing an operational layout for the community of practitioners from participant institutions, the PSFS included. Society representatives expanded their knowledge concerning participation in transport infrastructure planning and innovative solutions applied in Norway.