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Participation - another step forward!

Bilateral relations Completed
Foundation of Active People and Places
2015-07-01 - 2015-12-31
57 147,31 PLN
57 147,31 PLN
Project description
In partnership with the Nordic Institute of Training and International Networking, the Foundation completed the "Participation - Another Step Forward" thematic project, targeting better social dialogue between local governments and residents of eight municipalities in the Małopolska province. A study visit to Norway was organised to the purpose of strengthening co-operation with the Partner and getting in touch with other institutions. The visit included Foundation representatives and public officials representing participant governments. Visit participants were exposed to local examples of initiatives targeting the development of civic participation. Thanks to the visits, Partners joined forces to draft two projects to develop questing and entrepreneurship in young communities. The municipality of Ryglice established co-operation with the Norwegian partner, enabling youth exchanges.