Stefan Batory Foundation and Citizens Network Watchdog Poland have pleasure to invite non-governmental organizations to take part in Watchdog Forum, that will be held on the 25th-26th of September in Warsaw.
Main issue: Public scrutiny and watchdog activity.
Who is invited? All the NGO from Poland and European countries, which work is strictly connected to the subject of public scrutiny and watchdog activity.
During Forum we want to discuss togheter about thypicall dilemmas that watchdog organizations have to cope with. We will talk how to engage people to work with organizations, how to measure social change, and how to cope with dependance and cohesion of organizations activity.
We will also try to find answers to questions such as: future perspectives of financing watchdog activities and possibilities of changing the perception of watchdog organizations.
Enrollment lasts until 6th of September. Registration online avilable here
More information and programme you can find at: watchdogforum.org