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Results for the systemic projects

The II round of the systemic projects competition is over. 9 applications have been awarded with grant for total amount of PLN 13 831 207.

The Programme Committee, taking into consideration recommendations of the Selection Committee, based on the ranking lists prepared by teams of experts evaluating applications, has decided to award 9 grants for a total amount of PLN 13 831 207.

The appeals from the decision of the Programme Committee will not be considered.

  • List of the applications awarded with the grant – download
  • List of applications rejected – download

Every Applicant has access to the assessment forms of his application via Electronic Applications System.

No of grants

Total amount granted PLN



13 831 207 PLN

5,6 – 6,95


According to the decision of the Programme Committee, the amount that has not been granted for the systemic projects will be distributed within the II and III edition of the thematic projects competition.