June 2 – 5 together with the representatives of the NGOs implementing projects within the Citiznes for Democracy porgramme, we took part in the study visit concerning women’s rights and anti-violence, pro-equality policies.
The aim of the visit was to familiarize the participants with the practical side of the work of organizations and institutions dealing with women’s rights in Iceland, a comparison of policies and strategies applied in Poland and Iceland, as well as learning out of the Icelandic experience and using them in everyday work of Polish NGOs. During these three days, we were able to meet with many representatives of institutions involved in the policy of equality and prevention of violence based on gender.We visited Icelandic Center for Human Rights, Icelandic Association for Women’s Rights, Women of Multiple Ethnicity Network, Ministry of Social Policy, governmental unit for Gender Equality Jafnréttisstofa, Ministry of Finances, the Office for Human Rights of the Reykjavik City and organization Stígamót (Education and Counseling Center for Survivors of Sexual Abuse and Violence, a shelter for women – victims of violence and organization Stelpur rokka! (Girls Rock Camp Iceland).
See photos: